It is a good thing fruits are not claustrophobic, because we jam-pack 22 red, ripe strawberries into every lip-smacking, nutrient-loaded bottle and still find room to squeeze in 1 1/3 bananas. How, you ask? Geometry. And a mallet.
“In eu ultricies lacus. Phasellus non ante nec neque imperdiet congue. Donec sed lectus eu mi tincidunt rhoncus non a metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst”
Strawberry Banana
It’s a good thing fruit aren’t claustrophobic, because we jam-pack 22 red, ripe strawberries into every lip-smacking, nutrient loaded bottle and still find room to squeeze in 1 1/3 bananas. “How,” you ask? Geometry. And a mallet.
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